Association Memberships

Association Memberships

Ramsdens are members of:

Quoted Companies Alliance (QCA)

The QCA is an independent membership organisation that champions the interests of small to mid-size quoted companies. The QCA publishes 10 principles of corporate governance. Ramsdens has adopted the QCA corporate governance code.

The National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA)

The NPA is a membership organisation which helps to promote pawnbroking best practice. It was established in 1892, so has a long tradition of helping members get the most from their businesses. Despite being around for a long time, it is a modern forward thinking Association using the very latest technology to give the best service to its members.

Consumer Credit Trade Association (CCTA)

The Consumer Credit Trade Association (CCTA) has a reputation for integrity and a strong independent voice. Established in 1891, the CCTA has a long and powerful history offering legal advice, complaint conciliation, training, fully compliant credit agreements and a comprehensive news update and media network to its members.